The Grumeti Fund relies on the generosity of donors to help us carryout our conservation and community programs. It is because of the generosity of our donors that we can continue to deliver impact. For this, we thank you and greatly appreciate your support.

Teaching Support Program – Annual operation cost $250,000

Primary and early school education is critical as it establishes a solid foundation for the future of our children. Quality teaching and effective learning in and outside of the classroom hugely rely on great teachers as the builders of such a foundation. Likewise, having a healthy student-teacher ratio is critical for ensuring that learning occurs successfully. Unfortunately, these key prerequisites are not a given in most remote rural schools surrounding the protected areas we help conserve. Student-teacher ratios are low and, in some schools, extremely low – a significant challenge that ultimately impedes successful learning and teaching.

The Grumeti Fund’s Teaching Support Program (TSP) is addressing this challenge by placing 52 young, passionate, recent graduated fellow teachers to 26 local primary schools to increase teacher-student ratio and hence improve student’s academic achievement and potential to realise the future and their potential in life.

Aerial Support $50,000


Cost of operating an aircraft for anti-poaching and research and monitoring purposes for one year.

Scout Deployment Annual operating costs for 80 scouts – $ 365,000

The Grumeti Fund scout force is comprised of 80 scouts, strategically deployed across the protected area in twelve scout camps. The growth in wildlife populations here proves their effectiveness. To enable the scouts to do their job effectively and as safely as possible means supplying them with proper equipment – GPS, radios, uniforms, first aid, vehicles, as well as to ensure they are living in quality accommodations and that they have the right amount of nutritious foods. Beyond these day-to-day necessities, it is also of utmost importance that the scouts are trained to be able to respond to medical emergencies, as well as in minimum force defense techniques, fire arm training, and so on.


1. Annual salaries for 80 rangers – $300,000
2. Annual re-training costs for rangers – $40,000
3. Annual equipment costs for rangers – $15,000
4. Annual uniform costs for rangers – $10,000



Per year of secondary school $1,300


Per year of vocational studies $4,500

Wildlife wellbeing


Cost of de-snaring one animal $300

Graduate students – $ 84,000


At RISE we strive to connect scientific research with management needs, while providing opportunities for the next generation of Tanzanian conservationists. One of the most important avenues of meeting these objectives is via supporting Tanzanian graduate students at domestic and international institutions to undertake research projects on key topics in the western Serengeti. Current graduate students are studying the economic, ecological, and social costs and benefits of electric fencing, elephant movement behaviour, and vulture nesting success. Soon we hope to support graduate students to undertake projects on wildlife disease surveillance, invasive species management, and the evaluation of riparian restoration efforts.

1. Sponsor an in-person writing workshop for 10 prospective continuing students – $6,000
2. Support the purchase of a PCR machine for our lab – $6,000
3. Support a graduate student studying at a Tanzanian institution for one year – $12,000
4. Support a graduate student studying at an international institution for one year – $60,000

Camera traps – Annual operating costs $7,500


Support 1 camera – $200


Help us monitor endangered species like black rhino and patas monkey, and locally rare species like roan antelope and kudu.

Environmental Education – Centre Annual operating costs $100,000


The Grumeti Fund’s focus on education extends to the environment and the critical role each individual plays in minimising their impact on the earth’s limited resources. At the Environmental Education Centre (EEC), students accompanied by their teachers are exposed to critical environmental issues such as deforestation, soil erosion and water conservation that affects each and every one of them. In 2023, we plan to host 480 students from 15 different schools. It is important we spread more widely the message of why it is important to protect the environment and how people and communities can and do play a critical role in ensuring their nations fauna and flora endure the test of time. This amount would cover the operation costs for the EEC for one year.

Elephant Collaring – Annual operating costs $60,000


Support deployment of 1 collar – $5,000