Three women-led businesses supporting conservation
How can a hat, a painting and a shirt make a difference for conservation? Check out these three women-led businesses that are donating a portion of their proceeds to the Grumeti Fund.
Anne-Marie Walker has spent many years living and working in Tanzania. Now, based in Austin, Texas and unable to travel due to COVID-19, she started designing Hilltop Hats. These hats are a symbol of connectedness – a way for people to support and be reminded of conservation efforts on the other side of the world. You can buy one (or two or three) here.
Ashley Blazer is also based in Austin Texas. After spending a lot of time in Africa and many years working in the development world, she has committed to becoming a full time artist. One of her first collections is this work that she has done to support the work of the Grumeti Fund. Ashley has generously committed 50% of the cost of each painting to support our work. Check out Ashley’s art for good series here.
Leonora Sichel has supported conservation efforts in Africa through her company Dundas for a number of years. These beautifully made linen shirts are perfect for afternoon tea in the English countryside and for moving rhino! By purchasing one of the Dundas Safari Shirts, you are also supporting the work of the Grumeti Fund. Pick up your own safari shirt here.
We know that this has not been an easy time for retail companies or for artists, yet these three women and their generosity has really shone a light on how philanthropy can be achieved in many ways and that spreading goodness is obtainable, even during the hardest of times.
The past three months have been challenging for a lot of conservation organizations. To the generous individuals, families and foundations across the globe that are committed to conservation during this unprecedented pandemic and subsequent economic repression, thank you. Your support has allowed for this area – a critical buffer zone to the Serengeti National Park – to remain strong.

Dundas linen shirt in action – marshaling in a C130 with critically endangered black rhino aboard.

Hornbill inspiration for one of Ashley Blazer’s five paintings depicting the work of the Grumeti Fund

One of the black rhino aboard the C130 (pictured above) now roaming freely in the western Serengeti and serving as inspiration for the Hilltop Hat collection.